
Showing posts from October, 2019

Financial Tips for Federal Employees & Retirees – October 2019

Here are a series of financial tips/information for designed for quick reading, written in the style of Twitter. ·          Good returns for the stock funds for September 2019 in the TSP, but a poor return in the bond fund: .14% for the G fund, -.54% for the F fund, 1.87% for the C Fund, 1.06% for the S fund and 2.87% for the I Fund. ·          Your credit score ( FICO ) is composed of your payment history (~35%), credit utilization (~30%), length of credit history (~15%), new credit (~10%), and credit mix (~10%). Closing a credit card can adversely impact your credit score. ·          The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has made available the 2020 rates for Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plans. Federal employees and retirees will pay on average 5.6% more on their premiums next year. ·      ...

Financial Tips for Federal Employees - September 2019

Financial Tips for Federal Employees - September 2019 Here are a series of financial tips/information for designed for quick reading, written in the style of Twitter. ·          Generally poor returns for the stock funds for August 2019 in the TSP, but a good return in the bond fund: .18% for the G fund, 2.6% for the F fund, -1.59% for the C Fund, -4.19% for the S fund and -1.77% for the I Fund. ·          The White House is recommending a 2.6% pay raise for 2020. ·          FEHB open season will be 11/11 through 12/9 for 2019. If you do nothing, your FEHB and FEDVIP will continue as is. FSAFEDS is also open to set aside $ for a Flexible Spending Account . If you do nothing, your election WILL NOT automatically renew. ·          Please remember that as a FERS or CSRS retiree , you receive ...